Our Insights

Industry Insights – The FCA, Savings and the impact on Mortgages

By Richard Steed / 6th April 2020 / Comments Off on Industry Insights – The FCA, Savings and the impact on Mortgages

by Martin Langlands, Chief Risk Officer, Harpenden Building Society One of the long-term priorities of the FCA is to ‘ensure fair pricing in financial services.’ In July 2018, the FCA released a discussion paper titled DP18/6, as they were concerned that competition was not working well enough in the cash savings market. This led to […]

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Industry Insights – Should brokers fear or embrace new technology?

By Richard Steed / 8th January 2020 / Comments Off on Industry Insights – Should brokers fear or embrace new technology?

by Roy Badcock, Senior Manager, Harpenden Building Society Does a day go by without a headline appearing about the transformative effect of ‘fintech’ or new technology? Some of my colleagues were at the Mortgage Business Expo conference in London recently and technology was a popular topic of conversation. Indeed, one of the conference seminars, ‘How […]

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Industry Insights – Operational Resilience; more evidence of regulatory change

By Richard Steed / 3rd January 2020 / Comments Off on Industry Insights – Operational Resilience; more evidence of regulatory change

by Martin Langlands, Chief Risk Officer, Harpenden Building Society A short while ago, I wrote an article which explained how a discussion paper jointly issued by The Bank of England, The PRA and The FCA has the potential to change the way all financial institutions might be asked to operate in the future. The paper […]

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Industry Insights – Why Operational Resilience could transform the market

By Richard Steed / 5th December 2019 / Comments Off on Industry Insights – Why Operational Resilience could transform the market

by Martin Langlands, Chief Risk Officer, Harpenden Building Society In July 2018, The Bank of England, The PRA and The FCA issued a joint discussion paper called ‘Building the UK financial sector’s operational resilience’. The paper also goes by the name of DP 01/18. You may have seen some commentary in the trade press but […]

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Industry Insights – Holiday Lets – A Growing Opportunity…

By Richard Steed / 8th November 2019 / Comments Off on Industry Insights – Holiday Lets – A Growing Opportunity…

by Harpenden Building Society The demand for holidays and time to rest can be affected by the economy but there will always be people trying to seek a break from it all. Holiday Lets are becoming an increasingly attractive investment proposition for many across the UK and it’s not just down to political and economic […]

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Industry Insights – The future of mortgage provision

By Richard Steed / 30th October 2019 / Comments Off on Industry Insights – The future of mortgage provision

by Martin Langlands, Chief Risk Officer, Harpenden Building Society What does the future of mortgage provision look like in the UK? Now that’s an interesting question, given the ever-so-slightly turbulent times we are living through. All eyes are on the days leading up to the EU summit in the middle of October, and the weeks […]

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Industry Insights – Blurring the boundaries between mortgage products

By Richard Steed / 23rd October 2019 / Comments Off on Industry Insights – Blurring the boundaries between mortgage products

by Ken Hale, Head of Lending, Harpenden Building Society Brexit, intercontinental trade wars, quantitative easing, house price escalation. Back in 2000, when people were getting anxious about the Millennium Bug, very few would have believed that we would be grappling with the big political and economic questions that we are experiencing right now. In addition […]

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Industry Insights – Are Holiday Lets the new Buy-To-Let?

By Richard Steed / 17th October 2019 / Comments Off on Industry Insights – Are Holiday Lets the new Buy-To-Let?

Over the past few months we have noticed increased interest from investors looking to holiday lets to provide a source of additional income. Holiday lets have always been a niche area of the mortgage market but one that we believe will grow significantly. We have been an active lender in this space for many years and […]

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Sarah Howe, joins speaker panel at Harpenden Personal Finance Conference: “Helping you shape your financial future”

By Richard Steed / 4th October 2019 / Comments Off on Sarah Howe, joins speaker panel at Harpenden Personal Finance Conference: “Helping you shape your financial future”

Lyndhurst Financial Management are delivering their inaugural Harpenden Personal Finance Conference on Friday 15th November 2019. This highly anticipated morning event is free to attend and will take place in the Rothamsted Research Conference Centre, West Common, Harpenden, AL5 2JQ. Registration for the conference is from 9:00am to 9:30am and concludes with a complimentary buffet […]

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Industry Insights – Borrowers earning over £70k are still having problems securing a mortgage

By Richard Steed / 8th August 2019 / Comments Off on Industry Insights – Borrowers earning over £70k are still having problems securing a mortgage

Download the article as a PDF – Borrowers earning over £70k are still having problems securing a mortgage Zero hours contracts According to the Office for National Statistics, shortly after the coalition government took office in 2010, the number of people on zero hours contracts rose significantly. It reached a peak of around 900,000 at the […]

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